Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jacqueline--Have you seen anything good lately?

Yes. In order to return to my orginal vein of Horror, I just saw the movie TEETH. Yes I am behind my fellow reviewers on this blog, but I don't get out much. So, there.

Teeth is the story of Dawn, a prim and proper virgin teenager who urges abstinence before sex to all her peers and she is also harbouring a deadly secret.

Her secret is that her vagina has teeth. I got the impression that this is a fact that she herself is not aware of entirely even when her disgusting step brother cut his finger on it in the beginning of the film. Anyway, as I watched Dawn blossom into womanhood in a blood orgy of self awareness and self acceptance, I couldn't help but reflect on my failed relationships and on how a set of teeth down there would have came in handy for all.

While the movie does have a gross out factor of 10 out of 10, it is a fine well acted and well executed movie. I only cringed twice, however. Was I entertained? Yes. Was I grossed out? Somewhat? I mean the idea might be more frightening to a man, but I was not scared. I was envious.

Jess Weixler who played Dawn won an award at Sundance for this gig that was obviously well deserved. When we finally see in the end Dawn come into acceptance about her mutation, Jess (Dawn) smiles into the camera before the screen fades to black. I was smiling too.

For what it is worth, this review wasn't shit. But if you have time and A good stomach, please see this movie. It is a lot of fun.

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